Thursday, May 14, 2020

pink fire

I've been missing pink, too. Paw pink, sunburn pink, flirting pink, cotton candy pink. In the whole toolbox, there was only one.

Next dye run, I'll attend to this, but with caution. Dyeing with the intent of pink usually ends in a bloodbath.  Pink is a color you have to sneak up on. Cajole. Nab. Comfort and hold.

The peonies at the mailbox garden will peak in the next few days.

I'm going to cut, arrange, and display them in a unique way. Can't bring them inside, the scent is just so powerful this year.


Liz A said...

pinnnnnk ... yes, please ... with a side of turquoise perhaps??

Deb Lacativa said...

Of course, but I recently learned that my source for turquoise has gone out of business. Hoarding what remains and looking for a new source. Of course, cooking up my own is an option.