Sunday, April 16, 2006

Funk Finished

"Stigmata" Well, it wasn't going to let me go until it was done. Sometimes I get that SYBIL feeling that someone else lives in here and gets to make art from time to time. I have been haunting the Owl family waiting for the first eggs to hatch. Mrs. O has thoughtfully dragged the eggs closer to the camera in her zeal to keep them evenly warmed so I have been spending way too much time on the computer. Between egg rolling, I have done my annual website crawl through Marie Elkins astounding list of fiber artists. I have seen work that makes me want to do crazy things and I have gone back to read my Quilter's Prayer We don't do any of the traditional Easter things in this household now that the boys are grown. I made a clutch of hardboiled eggs last weekend. Sick of eating them, I didn't bother making more just to color. Bought big chocolate bunnies for Jake and Nikki and made them promise to give me the eyes. Then I spent the afternoon listening to baseball and working on the largest of my Uninformed Innards's Unidentified Part #4 in progress. The thing about sculptural work, I haven't figured how to photograph or display it what with all the angles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are incredible! And...I love your "Stigmata" piece!