Sunday, October 22, 2006

Loot from MaryJo's in Gastonia

It would have been un-fibrous of me to bypass MaryJo's on my drive back from New York. It was a convenient pit stop for me and the car. Fiber addicts will admire my restraint. I only bought a few yards of some specific colors to complete a project, a few yards of an astounding fabric telling myself I'll use it for backing (sure I will) and then there was a box of remnants - 1 yard cuts of black cotton for .99 each. Did someone tell them I was coming?? Here is part of one of them discharged. I may never wash dishes with the stuff again.


ACey said...

that's way too awesome

arlee said...

"Un-fibrous"------love it, great description! :}

*that* piece is pretty cool!

Shirley Goodwin said...

How come I never think of great designs like that when I'm discharging?

Corky said...

Cool discharge design. It looks a little bit like turkeys to me, but I'm sure that's not what you intended!

It's about time for another trip up to Mary Jo's for me.

Anne Wigfull said...

Trying to explain that I had bought dishwasher liquid detergent instead of tablets to try some discharge 'dyeing' was tricky.It seems the logic of removing the colour I had previously put *on* to the fabric completely escapes my husband. So I blamed you :)