Sunday, May 02, 2010



Jacky said...

You're so inventive...

Jacky xox

jude said...

oh yes! that is how it goes.....

Patty said...

Oh, I like this. The sense of big
space and air.

Deb Lacativa said...

that was exactly what I was looking for after long seasons of working on small things close at hand with almost microscopic stitches. It is about 4x6 feet

Phyllis said...

This makes my heart sing!!! Do you have any idea what an incredible artist you are??? Honestly, when I saw this my thought was that this should be in a modern art gallery. How did this come to be? And it is so small. Will you incorporate this into another piece? Fabulous, Deb.

Deb Lacativa said...

Phyllis this piece is actually huge - 4'x6' give or take. I used to work big all the time but I am coming back to it now.