Tuesday, July 19, 2011

somewhere, a cool garden

hundreds of white stitches on the creamy background....dreams of sleeping in the snow.

there is NO batting here

I just got back from GW with a drift of snowy inspiration...and I'm not even in the dyeing mode! The cream colored piece feels like linen. It's a pleated skirt with yards of cloth, has a label that says MADE IN THE USA and DRY CLEAN ONLY!
I just pulled it out of  the washer and popped it in the dryer. We shall see what comes of this..(for .50 each I couldn't leave the porcelain bowls)

.and now, naptime!  I have wrassled with changing from one used cell phone to another most of the morning and still can't answer the damned thing!


jude said...

that is a plump cat

Deb Lacativa said...

yes, we are.

Sweetie was a feral cat until we adopted her at 6 months. She approaches each meal as if it's her last, no surprise.

The problem is I have to leave dry food out for the other cats who have trouble keeping weight on. Additionally, she's a champion napper! Any and All recommendations are welcome!..

Cat said...

I don't think your going to change her and she looks like a pretty happy kitty! My vet says, it's just like with people - only about 5% of dieters lose weight and keep it off. AND when I gave my big boy kitty diet food, he peed on the stove. We checked for infection, waited a few weeks and tried the diet food again. And he did it again! My husband suggested we give him the number for the pizza parlor and let him order what ever he wanted. Two three hour stove clean ups convinced me he could eat whatever he wanted. He lived to at least 15 (he was a rescue, too) so he didn't do too badly - even at 28 pounds. Think of a harp seal with feet.
My suggestion is nap with her when ever possible. :)

Diana Angus said...

And I thought we had cat stories!