Thursday, July 14, 2011

Spill Traveling

How many of you have done all the necessaries to get a piece accepted into a prestigious show and then, somehow, let the "must arrive by" date slip under your radar?!?

I just got back from doing the HomeDepot (for hanging apparatus) and FedexKinkos demented boogie. The guys at home depot couldn't have been more helpful. The gal at Fedex was very helpful but their website needs work.

It WILL arrive in Lowell in plenty of time.

and now to consider what color my toenails should be for the gallery opening tonight.


arlee said...

poolside blue :)

grace Forrest~Maestas said...

so, what about your toes????
GO LOOK on windthread for what
your cloth is doing now

Norma Schlager said...

I'm in the Brush Gallery, too. I hope to make it to the opening, but I'm not sure if I can. If I do, it will be great to see your piece in person. I FedExed my quilt from CT and it got there the next day.

Judy Martin said...

Congratulations, Deb.

This piece looks wonderful.