Wednesday, January 18, 2012


It warmed up a bit today and Karma met me in the driveway when I got back from running errands and a stint at the pool. She was stamping her feet and demanding to see what was in the Publix bags. She has taken to climbing into the vehicle if you fart around too long with the door open.

Here she is taking some sunshine out on the dye deck wrapped in an old wool scarf which she did not fuss about. Lately she seems to be studying on some internal truths. Under all that fur, she is so frail I cannot tell her ferocious purr from trembling with cold.

She is becoming more eccentric by the day as her health declines. Sometimes though, I think she is just sitting around thinking up new ways to make us all worry.

I was up half the night checking on her. She decided to make camp in the boy's bathtub but was refusing to drink from the ever dripping tap- not a good sign- but she was all too happy to take water from a syringe, a teaspoonful at a time. I'm sure champagne would have gone over well. Anastasia has nothing on this Queen.  She has figured out that yowling from inside the always open dryer gets instant attention. However much longer she is with us she will be spoiled rotten every minute of that time.


Els said...

Well Deb, I "know" old cats ....
Love her and enjoy her while she lasts ! Good luck

Jeannie said...

I was in the same situation with sweet Nelson this summer. I knew that the time from January on was a gift and I wanted to appreciate every second I was gifted. He would come and sit on his chair in the sunshine and watch me dye. I would carry him in when it was feeding time. Live without regret was the theme and when the time came, we all knew it. But we had a glorious summer together that still brings quiet sobbing. Enjoy the Queen as long as you can and live without regrets. xo

arlee said...

Sounds like my dear Selena a few years ago: her last days she was so delicate and sweet, but still with a kick in her demeanour. When that stopped, i knew she had come to her time, and loved her all the more for the 17 years she was with me....they are such a large part of days and happenings ........memories....

Joe Madl said...

it is always difficult to watch our loved ones decline... and with our furred folk, even more so since they can't always tell us what's going on. i'm keeping karma and her two footed family in my thoughts these days!


Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

Bless her heart... you spoil her rotten every minute! I'm sure we will all become more eccentric as we go down that path... I'm surprised you haven't made her a purple cloth to wear in her Golden years!

jude said...

all too familiar, Was is old too

mageez said...

A lot of us have been where you are. About the time Crocket cat turned 20 i watched his health decline. He would get lost wandering in the house and stop and cry until one of us came to him. His last months broke my heart. we broke all the house rules and if he wanted to eat off my plate I let him. Even the dog took extra care of him.
Hugs to you both.