Thursday, March 14, 2013

cold sun, fresh starts

 I spent some time yesterday churning the scraps looking for some inspiration.

While I was in NY I cut the tip of my index finger (cardboard is worse than paper!) and this morning was the first time I could do any stitching without pain but more importantly, without getting blood on things. My fingerprint is permanently altered.

It's nice to find my way back to color after all that black and white. The first dye fest of the season will be on me before I know.

This mostly finished piece turned up in the churn. I think it's ready to finish and let  fly.


Kit Lang said...

Love those spring colours. You're making me want to dye too! :)

Jeannie said...

Love the creature in this one! A garden spirit, perhaps? Why is it paper/cardboard cuts feel as though you've cut the end of your finger off and they bleed like they are hooked up to an artery? Have fun stitching!