Tuesday, July 09, 2019

In the greenworld

My sprawling suburb calls itself  "the Crepe Myrtle City".  They are everywhere.
 I am going to have to go back  and get a better picture  this red one .  You don't see too many  of this color- astonishingly  rich  and bloody .  White,  lavender, and the ubiquitous  fuchsia are common and sums up  the struggling gang of four in my front yard. Struggling because we pruned them late and badly.

The sampler is almost finished and I'm still thinking about how stitched secret messages will figure in to the next book.


jude said...

stitched secret messages, I tucked some inside a quit once, so when it wears out, someone will be surprised.

deemallon said...

Cool plot idea and I love this particular stitched message.

Deb Lacativa said...

At first, they are benign. Childish in message and execution. In short order, malevolent. Black on black.

Joanne S said...

Last photo. The variegated flowers. Lantana. Could not find any healthy plants at the nurseries this year. Love seeing yours.

I love the words. And your lovely stitching.

Deb Lacativa said...

I love lantana too. So hardy and once or twice they have come through the winter into another season. I freehanded those - penciled directly to the cloth with just a straight edge to keep level. Love those drunken medievals.