Wednesday, August 09, 2023

The other path

 I'm on it and it feels good.

Prophets Tango was first published in July 2021. Beyond writing the thing, I hardly knew what I was doing.

Now, I'm scouring through it and making small changes. Not enough to call it a second edition. Just small things that I've reconsidered. The very few typos (bless all the betas). If you've found any that I haven't and let me know, I'll be eternally grateful.

Dee recently posed the question "Tell a dream, lose a reader"

From the response, I don't believe so. 

Too late for me anyway. And what would you call eavesdropping on the thoughts of a person in a coma rather than dreaming? How far removed from reality is that?  Witness:


Joanne S said...


Liz A said...

(insert exclamatory word/s) you're good ... dream on!