They had remote classes most of the week because of the winter weather, but I drove up late Thursday just in case Friday washed out too. It didn't. There was a fractions test to take and a haircut to show off. His choice.
This morning he invented blueberry waffles & fresh strawberry burritos. One for me, four for him.
We haven't been talking politics lately. I don't want to scare him, but his social studies class is just finishing up with the Great Depression, and will be taking up World War Two. I will be interested to see how the school handles it.
We talked about Fascism vs Democracy and I showed him Elon Musk's nazi salute and then we dredged up some historical nazis.
"That is the WORST mustache I've ever seen."
I gave him a quick overview of what to expect in class. How does one briefly touch on the Holocaust with a sensitive child that you don't want to rush into adult awareness? You can't.
A new devotee of the Marvel Universe (Captain America & Ironman are favorites) he's too young for Band of Brothers or Saving Private Ryan. I will rewatch the filmed version of the Diary of Anne Frank first.
He has to know that people gave their lives to conquer the kind of hate we will face in the coming days.
He busied himself turning potential nightmares into manageable cartoons. This one will be stitched if I can find enough yellow.
Tomorrow, I'll dig this piece out of the closet and see how the new camera treats it. Good shots of textiles-- black and white and color--are difficult. I'm still learning the editing tools too. This image came from one of my earliest digital cameras. A dinosaur now. Still working!
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Further difficulties capturing black cats. 3:44am Nibbler climbed up on the high bed looking to play. One by one, she brought her favorite toys up with her. Wrestled with stick feathers, my feet, and this stuffed kitten until almost sunrise. Then tucked up behind me to sleep. Me too. Finally.
Of course, I dragged the writer's bag with me. Loaded down with scraps, notes, notebooks, pens, the tablet, its power cord, "The Demon of Unrest" by Erik Larson, etc.
What did I get done? Not much, but--after watching The Avengers Endgame (we both wept bitterly at Ironman's funeral) I realized that the tension missing in the current work in progress has to come from something going dangerously wrong between the two main characters.
What is life without risk? Not best-seller material.