Wednesday, February 12, 2014

sweet fantasy

here's the reality

    but I have no trouble closing my eyes and being here

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

storm watch

We are tuckered out and hunkered down. Another Snowmageddon is bearing down on the vicinity but it's going to be ice this time and the potential for losing power is great which is worrisome because we keep cosy here with little room sized electric heaters. We cook with gas here but I no longer have a stove top coffee pot. I wonder if they still sell those squatty pyrex ones where you could watch the miracle unfold.

The Badges are all mounted and signed..many thanks to the collectors who snapped them up...there are more in the pipe if the lights stay on.

This writer is mentally wrung out. The last rewrite (I swear) was finished this morning. I feel like I've been on a trip which is a very inside joke. So, for restoration (even if the power goes) there are three new books, "The Glass Castle" by Jeanette Walls, "the Secret History" by Donna Tartt and "Dear Life" by Alice Munro. I pulled a new tarot card too, just for good measure.

Sunday, February 09, 2014

letting the badges go

Taking some time this morning to post the badges on the "buy art" page...

This one, all of them, will be stitched to a plain white 8x11 canvas.

I'm keeping "Breakdown" for myself.

 Sometimes, once these things are finished, I'm startled at how they can be both extremely personal and completely universal. I guess love is just like that.

Friday, February 07, 2014

writers write

I caught a break early morning. Voodoo decided to camp out in the chair instead of my lap which left me free to work at the computer without feline interference.

I pulled up the bones and hair of a short story I have been working on and all of a sudden it was after noon and eight pages were crying out for a rewrite.

I can't wait to paint this room stark, blinding white.

Faithful readers have asked if and when the badges will go on sale.
Yes, I hope to post the ones that will be for sale on the "buy art..."  page..tomorrow if the sun cooperates with this photographer.

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Heart of Life

Pain throws your heart to the ground Love turns the whole thing around 
No it won't all go the way it should But I know the heart of life is good

John Mayer

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

new silent auction

"Winter Behind Us"      2011
I picked this one "in hope" for much of the country..time will pass and so will winter. Hand appliqued and embroidered vintage hand dyed cloth, 11"x 14", faced and ready for framing.

 I will be taking silent bids via email ( until midnight on Valentine's Day 2.14.13

Please put  "BID" in the subject line and tell me if you want to be notified if you are outbid.

The opening bid is $81.39  US. Shipping included in the US. (International bidders are welcome but the cost of shipping will be determined at the time of sale and added to the winning bid)

Good Luck!

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

the valentine post

I wrote about these earlier today, but accidentally posted it here  which is where it really belonged in the first place. Funny how that will happen.

more gifts from the universe

I've been gifted a full scholarship to Focus on Fiber 14, an artists retreat at the beautiful Atlantic Center for the Arts  in New Smyrna Beach, FL.

The last time I was there was 2007 and I worked like the devil was chasing me from can't see to half past dark, almost every day I was there, but came away with dyed cloth that became the foundation of the majority of my larger pieces.

My way with cloth has changed a lot since then and since I wasn't anticipating attending, I still don't know what I will be working on; could be just my tan and my improv skills - there is always a crying need for camp fools.

There's plenty of time for me to think about it and bank some bail money..FOF14 once again co-incides with Daytona's Bike Week which always makes for interesting fun on the local highways. Mary McBride tells me there are a few openings in both the retreat and the workshops  so don't drag your feet if you were half planning on going. There will be art, good times and noodle salad!

Saturday, February 01, 2014

Romance is a slow dance

I've recently been given a great gift..a chance to travel, be away for a bit and be around some fabulous artists and amazing friends. Details when I know more and can share.

This series is clarifying itself to me. I'll have to back up and give credit to all the musicians one by one.

Romance is a slow dance    by Tim O'Brien

Thursday, January 30, 2014

back to the regular programming

It seems to take a fistful of hours over a whole day from "go" to "done". I need to venture out to buy some more canvases, but that will wait until the weekend.

While I was churning the studio for those lost or imaginary canvases I found the piece below squashed between the pages of a drawing pad.
"Silkwinds"      2010       (13.5"x16")

This was an experiment using silk gauze dyed with Colorhue silk dyes that were a gift. The base is some kind of poly that looks like linen with a piece of warm and natural cotton batting underneath to give the stitches a little bite. No backing yet.

I would do stitching things a little differently I think, but it's made me long to work with transparent color again in any medium.

I'm going to mount this one to a canvas also and it will be the next piece up for silent auction.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


For this little bit of winter people were stranded on iced highways in their cars overnight.  Kids kept in schools were sleeping on the floors of the gym.

It's just a matter of practice which most folk down here will never get.

When I lived in NY and worked for AT&T we were expected at work even if the state police closed the roads. I'd show my badge at the road block and be waved on through, and dance my old Honda over the top of the packed snow and ice, slowly, deliberately and so much safer since I was alone on the road.

Snow driving at night was a form of deep meditation; a combination of intense focus on the road and the car and the constant need for the restrained, gentle touch, feeling the conditions through your feet and ass, hearing the changes as you rolled. I couldn't wait for my shift to end so I could get back out into the night and roll on.