...was very quiet and low key this year. Colin and I both had to work so we had to pass on an invitation to join the family at the mountain house. Since there was no school this week, Charlie and I were partners in crime for two whole days and a sleepover. It was sunny out so we spent a good time in the park working off some junk food.
He was great company. Taking care of a four-year-old requires that you stay the hell out of your own head; good for me this melancholy time of the year.
I got a turkey meal cooked after he went home and we'll eat off that sucker until the weekend. Maybe.
After I got all the dishes done this morning, there was time to make that pie which turned out dangerously delicious.
Since it was just me eating in front of the TV, I forgot the Tablecloth.
Forever ago, when I was cleaning houses for people, a lady gave me this kit. A huge linen tablecloth, printed with this design of flowers, leaves, and butterflies. And, a ton of ecru embroidery thread which I promptly threw out. Oh well. The x's were well entrenched by then so they stayed.
There were some instructions. Threw those out too. I think I was hoping the blue stamped design would wash out. It didn't so I dipped into my own embroidery threads and just went wild. After some time I discovered that those tiny x's were places that I was supposed to have snipped out. This was a cut-work kit from Macy's, circa the late 50s.
And, of course, my own personal touches were added as life moved us along.