Sunday, August 02, 2009

new friends & family

It's been great to meet and get to know new family members. This is Kara and Dallas.Can you tell Dallas and I are related? Here's my sister Kitty and her buddy Joe. When we got to the Stormville flea market I gave them a quick tutorial on what kind of vintage fabrics I was looking for and they scored big! Better yet, they are going to keep eyes out for my raw materials as they shop till they drop (a regular thing I'm told) in the future.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Finally, a break in the grisly weather if not some sunshine! There's been some stitching going on. Here's the start of another summer fling. This time I chose a hard road - for the first time all the applique work will be all hand dyed damasks. As pesky as it is to needleturn, the weight and drape of the results will be worth the trouble. My brother is preparing the traditional Useted family birthday cake for my sister Pat. It's an icebox cake made from chocolate wafer cookies stuck together with whipped cream. The Katonah Thrift shop is having a big sale (all you can cram into a bag for 1$!) and then it's off to Somers Manor to visit with Mom for while.

Friday, July 24, 2009

packing post

I'm supposed to be packing but I have been watching reruns of Buehrle's ninth inning. Just wonderful! Stumbled across this total gem titled

"Historic, Vintage & Reproduction Home Decorating Fabrics: A Musically & Otherwise Punctuated Glossary of Textile Terms"

Do not pass on some of the vintage rock & roll music videos scattered along the way!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

gasp! some art for a change.

I've put the last of the hand stitching into Gates of Grace and I'm happy, for once, at how the machine stitching and hand work came together this time. Usually, it's an all or nothing proposition for me. Now I have to give some thought about backing and finishing the edge. I was going to mount this one on a canvas but handling it all this time has given me second thoughts. I don't even want to iron it because I don't want to lose the dimensional quality it's come by from layering six or more separate pieces of fabric. There is a discussion going on the SAQA list at the moment about quilts that suffer from the wavies looking unprofessional. I disagree. No one asked me but when I've seen pieces like that on exhibition I'm reminded in a nice way that a.these are quilts and, b. these are pieces of art made from cloth and, c.beating cloth into two dimensional submission is not part of what I'm looking for in fiber art, mine or anyone Else's. You can block a piece until the cows take up the bagpipes but temperature, humidity and handling are going to have their way with textile to some degree unless you mummify it with plastic or nail it down to canvas and wood. It's just cloth being true to it's reason for being. It was originally designed to live, breath, flex and conform to a three dimensional purpose. I like to let it be once I'm done fooling with it. addendum - see the side bar for two auspicious and delicious cards I pulled to contemplate this day.