Yesterday was the best weather for dyeing that I've had for years. Hot enough to get the colors reacting, but not so hot that I was uncomfortable and therefore NOT rushed.
I took my time making up the colors while I had my coffee. Forgot all about what I needed in the stash, but instincts drew me to warm colors and stayed my hand when I picked up Raven.
My only regret is that I didn't have more cuts of this linen ready to carry and wrap groups of thread. Shortfall? I threw the threads right down on the deck boards same as I do with cloth bundles.
Butterscotch, Sun Gold and Lemon had a field day. Avocado came out for the first time in many years. Prochem has improved it immensely. Bright where it used to be murky. Plays well with others too.
An even better day coming up. I'll get these washed and laid out to dry in time for a decent pool day. Yesterday, I actually got cold. By the time I hit the water, clouds had moved in and the water is still a little colder from all the rain we had during the week.
It's that time of the year when I take note of each swim knowing that good water days are numbered.
A peek at the results. I washed and rinsed these an hour ago. Hope the cloth stays as intense as the threads seem to be.