Thursday, September 04, 2014

Season's end

It rained most of yesterday afternoon and into the night. The sun joked with me for a few minutes after I got in  and found the water temperature still bearable. The storm cleanup was minimal thanks to Colin's fine leaf dipping work.

I hate to think that this might be the last swim, but unless we get some sun soon,  it may be back to the public pool, a very different vibe but not to be sneered at come November.  I'm not as hardy as I was when the Mass. and RI coastal waters were my playground.

This piece of dyed and discharged damask was lying around looking forlorn, so I took it out to play.  It looked like whale shark skin under the water...something I did in cloth long ago.

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

the karma

This is one of the pieces that I'll be taking to the installation next Tuesday and I have decided that I want to change the orientation ninety degrees to the right of what you see here.

I'll be picking off the sleeve, resizing it and putting back on ..Real needlework.

Monday, September 01, 2014

Going to a hangin'

There is a show coming up next week and yesterday I scurried around looking for a few specific pieces.

They were right where I left them, cocooned in the closet with another dozen or so pieces that have not seen the light of day since they were born. Some pretty impressive stuff in that closet.  I wish I could find the feel for it all, but it escapes me still..

I'm going to have to look into different ways of getting this stuff out into the public eye.

If you live in the Metro ATL area, you should come by and see us in the flesh.

Friday, August 29, 2014


A whole week without a post!  Could it be the long-feared Witness Protection Program?   Nah...

Just me being convinced that I don't have a whole lot of interest to share lately.  Like many folks at the turn of the seasons, I get introspective.

There are a lot of life changes on the horizon, but right this minute I want to grab this gorgeous day by the tail and get outside for a while.

I'll tell you more about it all soon.

Friday, August 22, 2014

holding on to summer

This is how it is now. Each day there are more leaves. I get in and clean for an hour chasing down every speck, even as new ones fall on my head. Dragonflies and bumble bees that are a whole summer's old drown themselves on a regular basis.

It's been in the humid mid 90's for a week with another week of the same promised. There is no other place to be. Even with afternoon thunderstorms that echo on into the night, the water is perfect.

Soon there will be a string of days when it rains hard and the temperature falls in the night and the water will be choked with leaves and branches. I will put on my suit, start down the ladder and be stopped by the cold. Summer's end.

Friday, August 15, 2014


             This makes me think about what I can't express with words or cloth

Monday, August 11, 2014

Finishing touches

Look - I haven't forgotten how it's done. Put these finishing touches on yesterday morning, then spent the afternoon doing what Nanas do, feeding, changing and rocking.

Holding this baby is my new favorite drug.

I dished out tattoos in the waiting room last week. Not everyone rushed to sign up.

Saturday, August 09, 2014

Studio time

I'm not sure if it really counts if you are only killing time waiting on a phone call.

Still, this piece has been promised to a show in the first week of September so something else is going to have to get back-burnered for a little bit. Today, I'm thinking it's pool time. Drat.

This is going to be a monster under the needle.

and the biggest irk is
...when I look at the original drawing, I'm not happy with the way this one is turning out.

The last time that happened, I would have fed the piece in question into the industrial shredder at the office but the door to the shred room was locked.  I finished the piece, entered it in a show and it sold. My first ever sale. Go figger.

Friday, August 08, 2014


It's been a harrowing and hectic week at the House of Lacativa.

Fingers crossed that Missy and Charlie will be sprung from the hospital this weekend. They have hung out the No Visitors sign which is perfectly understandable.

When we first brought Colin home from the hospital, Jim and I were sitting at the kitchen table having morning coffee as we always had,  kind of planning the day.

 He said "What do you want to do today?" and before I could answer Colin made his birdie squawks from his crib in the next room and we both laughed and said
"Oh yeah, that's right." Somebody else had just taken the majority vote.
It takes a little getting used to.

Tuesday, August 05, 2014


Always one for illicit activity..
I'm peddling cloth again. You know who you are and you know you want it.

Go thaw your credit cards out of the ice cube tray.

Fat Baggies are back.

Saturday, August 02, 2014

He's landed!

Charlie James Lacativa came to us last night, a little early, but he and mom Missy are both doing well.

For 3.5 weeks early, he's a nice six pounds, four ounces and twenty inches long.  To me he looks just like Jake did the day after he was born.

Jimmy would be, is, so very proud of Jake & Missy and just loving this baby.

Friday, August 01, 2014

baby day....

This seemed like a lifetime ago and, in a way, I guess it was.

A few weeks short of nine months, my first grandson will be hurried into the world sometime in the next whirl around the sun.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Spontaneous colors

There's been a pile of cloth crusty with soda ash sitting on the deck for a few weeks.

Who knew that the soda ash would eat holes in the aluminum tub?

It was in the mid eighties by ten this morning so I pulled the colors out of hiding and called the dyefest to order.

I'm going to leave this lot out in the sun for the next day or so. A lot of other things are pressing...updates as they happen.

Friday, July 25, 2014

life's wheel

The Vigil Cloth   2013
Seth Says 2013

A friend I've never met is facing the end of her journey here.

A child I've yet to meet is getting ready to join life's party.

It's all so full that for once in my life I am without the right words and will just remain on full receive and pay close attention for the duration.

Monday, July 21, 2014

the first

Charlie's quilt finished out nicely. All done except for his name and birthday and my mark when the time comes.  A good thrashing in the washer and dryer and it already looks well loved.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

garden redux

It's been raining for most of three days here now and the local greenery is happy. I thought I'd be happy with a little weather enforced confinement, but I'm getting stir crazy.

The mailbox garden which was wiped out at it's peak back in the middle of May, has come back in a wild way. The flat of marigold that I put in just to cover the bare dirt has been overwhelmed by the seed started morning glories, nasturtiums, Lantana and this gorgeous sunflower. Wild and undisciplined. The way I like it.

Thursday, July 17, 2014


These are things that make me smile. A new box of crayons, my floppy hat cause I got too much sun the other day and ten longhand pages to type up and build around.

We had a night of deep sleeping temperatures for the first time in ages last night after I got home from an evening with a different writing group. Different folks and slant. Nice bunch and luckily I won't have to choose between the two groups as they meet on opposite weeks.

I got my car back from the dealer this  morning prettier than it's been in years. Drove it to the park where I put in a fast mile and then drove the long way for some provisioning. That span of time gave me the bones of a scene that I have been sneaking up on..the Money Shot they call it in the film world.  Some pool time too.

Then I got an email from Bubbles reminding me that Fierce is expected at a show at the end of get back into it soon.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

it's all a dream

I got a disturbing email from the hosting company that I have been using since 2001.

They have suddenly discovered that I am violating terms of service by parking files on  their server that are not part of the website that they host for me. Funny. I thought I was renting the space on a monthly basis.

 Without prior notice they have relocated them to some other place that I have to access with some esoteric app and imaginary keys.

Many of these files are pictures of family and friends that I have scanned, all other manner of digital files...

A letter has been written. Hopefully, gracious action will be taken on their part.

Lesson...don't get to comfy with the web. Don't take it for granted. If something really matters to you, make sure you can hold it in your two hands.

Saturday, July 12, 2014


This is the view from my writing space these days.  We moved Jim's truck in preparation for some tree work at the back of the driveway.
I don't always get the little heart leap that I used to get when I saw it parked in the driveway as I made the turn onto our block: or if  I saw one like it on the highway where the white Ford F150 rules the road, at least here in Georgia.  It's more a touchstone now. I'm looking forward to driving it once it's ready, but there's no hurry.

Last Saturday, my car was damaged in a minor wreck and Monday I'll be handing it over to the repair shop - the other driver's insurance company is picking up the tab for the fix and a rental for me for the duration.  I really wanted a convertible, but couldn't talk Enterprise into bringing one up from the airport location for me.

Not much from me on the fiber front. Charlie's quilt is nearly finished and good thing too, the baby shower is today and there's another tomorrow.  Pictures when it's properly finished.  Mostly what I have been up to is  here