Thursday, December 07, 2006

Born with the Platinum Spoon in her Mouth

My husband has long suspected that in several past lives I was a duchess or baroness or queen of some such. Not merely some aristocrat but one of the FEEELTHY rich. No one had to convince me. Given any choice of goods I will invariably choose the most expensive thing in the group without ever seeing a price tag. Needless to say, he is also happy that in this lifetime, I recognize value, live simply, am easily amused and don't covet material things. Still, this car pulled alongside me on my ride home today and I was spellbound and drooling. As it pulled ahead of me so I could see the badge and identify the maker, I said aloud "Of course it is..." I tried to put it on my Amazon wishlist but they don't stock them.


Joyce said...

Maybe in the next life...

Deb R said...

"Given any choice of goods I will invariably choose the most expensive thing in the group without ever seeing a price tag."

I do exactly the same thing.

That IS a beautiful car and I don't even usually notice cars!

Karoda said...

Does it come in an SUV model? I can't sit that low anymore. I mean if I'm going to ride high, I've got to ride high!

Elle said...

It's so pretty! So very very pretty!

k baxter packwood said...

We could keep court together then, I've been told this same thing by many people, especially men. And I don't even dress like I should be keeping court.

Nikki said...

ooooohhhh, that's so pretty! And I don't usually notice cars!