Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Beam me up.

I just spent an hour or so crocheting this coozie from that same wonderful cotton yarn I made the mittens from. And what's that poking out of the poke, you say? It's my very first cell phone unless you count the disposable kind you get from the grocery story. I have resisted having a "real" cell phone for so long because our house is situated in a dead zone - no signal. On the left, my Star Trek communicator pin that I bought from QVC when they first came on the air. I had hoped that someday, I could just slap that pin and make myself perfectly clear and even get beamed up but it looks like I'm still going to push buttons and get busy signals or no signal.


Donna said...

Guess that leaves me as the last earthling to be "unconnected"...

The strips on your pouch worked out really well. I particularly like the crocheted strap -- looks much more comfortable then I cord....

mzjohansen said...

OOOHHHHH - what kind of yarn IS that??? It's wonderful ! Love it ~

Del said...

Are you going to give us a report on the 8th Annual 5X 7 show?