Sunday, October 24, 2021

those guys

 I don't know about the rest of you, but I have been thoroughly enjoying the Boys of Summer! Last night I got together with a friend. had good food and fun and watched the Atlanta Braves get us to the World Series for the first time since 1999! It was a nail-biter! 

In a totally different sphere of sport, I have been internet stalking this guy, (Oh, you wouldn't? Liar!)      I somehow stumbled across a picture of him while prospecting for an actor to play the main character in my novel.

A couple of my beta readers agreed, Joel Poland, 2021 Overall World Champion waterskier (of all damned things) is THE GUY. 

Tough luck chica. He's not an actor, but an athlete performing at the peak of his sport. Oh damn well, he's fun to watch, and I love that I was able to watch the finals live while I was away, if only on my phone. Send it, JP! 

Update. Somebody wants to be a movie star.

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