Sunday, April 09, 2023

Words & weeds


As in the past, when the words on paper get stuck, stitching some seem to grease the wheels. Even in the face of some heavy-duty adulting, (so appropriate at my age) scenes are starting to fill out. Characters are having conversations that need recording. It feels good, but it's still a precarious state of mind. Like walking on a very narrow cliff edge with no handholds. 

The severe shortage of thread is hampering me, too.  We had frog-strangling rain all day yesterday. Today, the sun is blazing but it's only in the 40s. It's going to be a challenging dye season.

Just before the rain set in, I walked around the Wood Chip Heap and scattered several pounds of flower seeds that I have been collecting all winter. Native perennials. Butterfly and Hummingbird garden seeds.  "Ooooo, that's pretty" Seeds. I got suckered by the seedmen weekly. The seeds fall down into the top chips hidden away from birds and squirrels into the decomposed stuff that will hopefully nurture some of these seeds to blossom. If a quarter of them make it, it's going to be amazing. I have a mix of vinegar and soap to spray on the emerging poison ivy, brambles, and pokeweed to give the flowers some breathing room. Beyond that, the rest is up to nature.

This is right outside my kitchen windows.


Joanne S said...

The houses on my street are two story- so taller. But yards and driveways- as long and deep as these.
I miss the South........I liked it there. I liked the food, the soft voices......

Deb Lacativa said...

This is an old hilly neighborhood. We live in "the holler".My house and many like it were built in the 70s. Those in the picture even older. The trees are getting old.

Nancy said...

Oh I can't wait to see what grows! Lovely street and view from your kitchen window.

Deb Lacativa said...

That white silo-looking thing across the street is a little planetarium housing his telescope. I remember they called and asked us if we would mind them putting it there. At that time I think we had five vehicles in our driveway, three dismantled or up on blocks. They were glad we didn't have any appliances or stuffed furniture on the front porch. Nice neighbors here.

jude said...

time for seeds.

Liz A said...

planting seeds and dyeing threads ... rewards for getting through winter