Monday, June 19, 2023

Lefty to the rescue


I always wanted to do my hair in a French braid, but had no clue how to go about it. Then, one day, I was at the doctor's office waiting to get blood drawn for something forgotten and the technician had to kneel down to get supplies from a low cabinet drawer. 

Her hair was a rusty brown. Sleek, shiny, and braided to her head from the crown to the ends well past her shoulders. I studied that braid intently. That night, I dreamed about how it was done. 

I can't remember the specifics of the dream, but the next morning I hung my head over the side of the bed, brushed out all the knots, and did the thing. 

The first time I did it so tight, my eyes tipped up at the corners. My sister is a hair professional and told me that I've done is called an inverted fishtail braid. It wasn't like I could see what my fingers were doing. 

Today I gave Lefty a shot at the needle and thread. Give Righty a rest and flex the part of the brain that learns new tricks.

Just the stabbing pavers stitch for now. Slow motion eases the way. It was surprisingly easy enough to be satisfying. I'll save the wrapped rope and knots for Righty.

I have misplaced words during conversations more than I like lately, so I'm pushing the gray matter into new and different situations to keep the grooves from smoothing out. 

I've written a Tarot Spread to be included in the new novel. Haven't named it yet. That will come after I use it for a while.

Meanwhile, slackers abound!


Liz A said...

it's hard enough to stitch on denim ... but left-handed? ... I'm amazed (and yeah, the word thing ... along with the "what the hell was I going to get in the kitchen" thing)

Joanne S said...

I sometimes (often) read my blog posts and wonder who wrote it. couldn't;t be me,
I can barely dress myself some days.

Deb Lacativa said...

The denim is old and soft. The needle barely notices it. I won't claim to be ambidextrous but some tasks, like braiding, rely more on the brain than any skill in the hand.

I used to be funnier when I had a fan club. I loved to hear Jimmy chuckle over a post. He said he read my blog to know what was going on in his life.

Nancy said...

Wow. I'm impressed, I can barely drink water with my left hand! This is such a grand yours! I love braids!! How wonderful that he read your blog :)