Monday, January 29, 2024

Dirty thread in the sun

 Filling an order this morning required a hard inventory. Instead of coming up short, I found a set that had never been named or photographed. It happens.

Which will become its name, "It Happens" and if someone doesn't snap it up in the next few days, my stash is seriously low on greens and blues. And that mystery color on the right might have a future in a stitch spell sooner than later.

This is the glorious view from the Birthday Sewing chair. It's no wonder the cats gather here. I need plants to increase the oxygen for all of us. 

All that clutter on the table will be finding other places over the next few days. That dresser on the left is mostly empty, so sorting, trashing, and stowing.

The first project at the machine will be a couple of summer schmattas if I can find enough garment-appropriate cloth in the closet. I'm not building acres of cloth from scraps for dressmaking this time. 

I treated myself to a new bag. Been hauling the Black Hole of Calcutta around forever and was getting tired of the deflated motorcycle jacket look. It held up, so I'm retiring it to the closet for a well-earned vacation. I'm thinking the latest heart patch will go perfectly on the rather blank backside of this new one. Give it some pizzazz. 


deemallon said...

I come here for Yiddish terms like schmatta and pithy naming like Black Hole of Calcutta. Nice new bag!

Deb Lacativa said...

I learned "schmatta" from Mick Jagger (Shattered). My mother used to call my room "The Black Hole of Calcutta". All I knew was that it was a place where things disappeared into. Things put into that old, black purse would sink into its capacious depths and be hard to find. When I called it the BHOC, Charlie demanded a lengthy internet search for details and etymology.
I love the new one but never would have considered it except that I found it on sale for a third of the regular, ridiculous price. They called the color Merlot. Looks more like an old crime scene to me.

Nancy said...

I'm chuckling at your response to Dee 😁
These colors are amazing! I can see why they are already moving into your mind and heart. Beautiful.
Love that little case of drawers. I cleaned my two bookcases today. They look much prettier now.
I love Yiddish and it makes me miss my mom, dad and our elders. I wish I had learned more.

Deb Lacativa said...

Those little drawers! My first ever IKEA project. Imagine my shock when I opened the box to find they were totally disassembled. Dozens of pieces of wood and tiny boxes of brass nails. It was a whole weekend of swearing to build with my carpenter husband smirking in the background while I DIYed it.. It's full of tiny tools, sewing machine parts, spools of thread, electronic much miscellaneous I have to open five drawers to find whatever. One of these days I'll stain it.

Nancy said...

Deb~ I'm smiling imaging this 🙂