Thursday, March 20, 2025

a chill day

 After the valium wore off, I spent some time soaking up a fine day under the watchful eyes of the posse. I hesitate to speak it aloud, but ever since my neighbor across the street died, they don't cross the road and saunter up her driveway to disappear behind her house. She knew Bailey on sight and called Camilla "the chubby one". Can't prove it, but there may have been treats involved.

The procedure was routine and familiar. This time I paid more attention to the doctor's detailed explanation about what she would be doing and why. I've also been keeping careful notes on the pain diary I was given. Every fifteen minutes for the first six hours, then hourly and daily. Happy to say I woke up a 2 this morning, but I'm going to tread lightly. Not rock the back boat.

I'm so tickled with this quick and dirty logo that I whipped up yesterday from a sketch. I didn't even transfer the drawing to the cloth that way I was mindful of the placement of every single stitch. No wandering to the left or right of a line. 

Names for the show, (which is not until January '26 - an eternity) were being tossed out and I came up with 
"Warp, Weft & Wonder"...
three textile perspectives. Subtitles are always optional.

I will continue the delicious escape into writing. Spinning worlds.

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