Sunday, March 23, 2025

From a fixed position

A bedside enchanted forest. All the houseplants want to be outside. 

Cheapo solar lights delight me. I stuck all twelve in a big pot full of some cute weed. I should look it up. On a few hours of charge, they blazed all night on the deck. I felt like I was sleeping beside a campfire...which may account for waking up feeling like I slept on a beach after an all night brawl. 

Here's the extent of my efforts today. More easy amusement - a set of arteza woodless watercolor pencils and a water brush pen. 
Something here might fall under the needle. 


Nancy said...

Deb~ It is amazing how we can entertain ourselves, how much we can do - from a fixed position. Take care, Nancy

Joanne S said...

Woodless watercolor pencils......oh, my. I think some live in this house somewhere.....I have to go looking....thank you for reminding me!!!!!!!