This scrap has been following me around for some time. I found it tucked into a summer shirt pocket from the back of the closet.
I've been contemplating killing off one of the characters in my story by having him blunder into a live wire.
We saw this happen once. A great blue heron crossed the road up ahead, high enough and far enough away for my son and I to track its majestic progress and be awed.
That awe turned to staggering horror as it came into contact with a power line. That grandeur became a lifeless bundle of bones and feathers that dropped from the sky into a deep ravine on the far side of the road. I have trouble revisiting the memory.
This shape, this iteration of spirit, came about very spontaneously.
Message received.
Deb~ Love the Owl!! Oh, what a hard memory. Mine is when driving home, sun in my eyes - I saw a beautiful Hawk flying, when it switched on a dime to have its talons out front as it grabbed a little song bird - right in front of me! Ugh. Cloth birds of prey are a bit gentler, eh?
Owls have such expressive faces, yours included for sure! I get to say hello to Athena the Owl at the Wildflower Center two or three times a week when I go in to volunteer ... you can see her on the Cornell Owl Cam here (where she is often so still that you have to look at the greenery moving in the breeze to be sure it's a livestream)
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