Back from the country, the cats spent the day letting me know they were peeved with my absence, but Charlie's brief visit was welcomed. He is warily gentle with them.
They have a pair of guinea pigs now, but I don't think they have a lot to offer beyond learning how much care goes into keeping caged animals safe and healthy.
He wants to have two cats, but that is not my call so he gets to enjoy visiting with mine.
We spent a lot of time talking. He wants to know what life and the world were like when I was his age. We are time travelers flitting back and forth between now and then.
Home now, I have a weekend to breathe and relax before I get back to the adulting stuff. Since I quit the day job, I find it's good to pay attention to the weekend otherwise the days all run together.
I'm not getting out enough and will have to attend to that.
Georgia's gray and wet winter is delivering. Chores out of the way, I chill.
Moments after I typed this, Jake called asking me to come fetch him and Charlie. There had been a wreck. Everyone was cleared by EMTs on the scene. His truck looked pretty bad. I got to them in a half hour and waited there for Missy to come take them the rest of the way home. Life turns on a dime.