Friday, November 12, 2021

A week zips by


The face you make when you favorite readers turn up unscathed after being lost all summer.

We had a sleepover with a digital learning day attached. I do not know how one person herds 30 little through these hoops every day. By noon, recess and lunch were my favorite subjects. We took it to the park.


Liz A said...

as a school librarian I saw 6 classes a day (K-5) ... 20+ kids per class ... for 45 minutes (or was it 50?) with 5 minutes between classes (assuming that teachers didn't drop their classes off early or pick them up late) ...

how did I do that? I haven't a clue ...

Nancy said...

Oh man! Yes, tough for sure. Your 'little' is adorable and reminds me of my big grandson in these photos.