Monday, November 29, 2021

Peaceable kingdom

 Another day of recuperation. The sun streams into the studio until noon. Thought I would listen to some music and see how stitching would feel. 

Mighty Madam Salem beat me to the stitching chair. She normally gets up and goes when I ask. Not today.

Things quickly got worse.

Until finally...with gratitude to C. for hoisting Sweetie into the catbird seat and capturing an unprecedented moment. Did I mention they merely tolerate one another? No stitching today.


Liz A said...

I just plugged "stitching chair" into your search box and went for a wander ... amazing how Blogger shows posts in no particular order ... Charlie got little and then bigger and then little again ... your chair peeked out of some pictures, but others showed the view from your perch rather than of it ... and last, waaay back in 2010, I looked at who was commenting ... and there was Jude

Deb Lacativa said...

I wonder when I stopped calling it the Birthday Chair?

Liz A said...

oh man ... this link is beyond perfect ... what a great guy Jim was (and I wanted to write "is" because to me, wandering through years of the blog, he is such a real presence)

Nancy said...

Hope your feeling better, but like reading of your chair stories :)