Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The brand new day

Always, while searching for something else, things I didn't even know were missing coyly show themselves. 

This clutch of misfits was rolled up in a two-foot square of linen spangled with all these colors. 

I was looking for my black Fiskars. They are probably in my purse which Charlie now calls the Black Hole of Calcutta. That called for a lot of internet research. Now to find the purse.

Anyway, I'll divvy these into sets of four and post them to the store after I finished getting those pieces ready for delivery to the gallery on Saturday.

Nice that my nails were mostly clean. Pool Life.

Colin's sunsets have a lot of fans. This one is actually a sunrise from one of his overnight stints. I will keep treating each new day as a treasure.


CJ said...

I love how the pool or sand gives a free manicure. Ha! And they grow like weeds don't they under the sun. Can't wait for my new set of goodies. Hoping something way wow different. Hail the sunset!

Liz A said...

that reminds me ... I need to be sure to use my newest threads in my current project!