Making Dirty Threads is not science. There are so many variables. Forget one thing and you get some epic fails.
Too muddy, splotchy, pale. Bad color choices. Dyes (the way I use them) are a lot like pottery glazes. What you see in the container is rarely what you get once things are rinsed and dried.
So I set aside the Uglies and when the spirit moves me, I give them another run. The new process is working out well, especially for do-overs.
This bunch was a minute of my frazzled patience away from being cut off the cards. One vicious swipe down the center with the big shears into a pile of two inch strings to go into the trash.
I took the time to save them and I'm glad I did. They'll be up in the store shortly.
But today is for other things. Family and home. Balm and bane.
It's a beautiful day. Nothing will grow here but grass, there's so little sun. The mailbox garden will be exploding with color within the week, fingers crossed.