Saturday, September 08, 2012

an eye comes to light

it's been there all along, just a sketch but I finally decided on a way to bring it around to real.

I stitched until the callous on my right middle finger broke down after one too many jabs...and then found my brass thimble and really got down to business. I'll fit the sleeve on this one tomorrow while I wait for the temperature outside to hit the promised 80s and get in a little more outdoor dyeing this year.

getting it done

Tuned up big J, new needle and all and just  popped in disc one narrated by Will Patton. See you at 4 when the Braves meet the Mets.

Thursday, September 06, 2012

backsides continued

See what I mean?
I have moved her from one quadrant to the next as I work. All the cats have been upset over something lately. Sweetie is within arms length of me where ever I am and will shadow Jimmy if I'm not around. Voodoo has been destructive to get extra attention and Juice is spending more and more time in the kitchen instead of out in the weeds. Earthquake? Tornadoes?

 Oh, that title?  "Jazz Takes Over"

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

curing back trouble

Turns out that damask is a perfect, if exotic, answer for backing large pieces that have irregular edges.

 It has enough give to wrap graciously around the edges and curves but, across the expanse of the piece, there was a limit to how far it would stretch. The edges of both of these pieces curled back after being "hatched" so I had to cut the backing in a cross to relieve the tension and will be hand appliqueing over these cuts .

As it was, I had to piece damask scraps for an expanse large enough for the one on the right and will be using dyed pieces to applique over the openings. The back is getting very interesting .

Still debating the's very rare that I have no title this far into a project. I will dwell on it during the drive over to the gallery this morning - it's take down day - and report back later if a winner comes to mind.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

summer scrambles

I actually got out of the house for a little while today and stopped at the top of the hill to put the numbers back on the mailbox.

 I planted these seeds in the middle of summer once the other flowering thing had given up. It's taken over the place and probably scares the mailman.

Some tougher cousin of the morning glory I think.

Monday, September 03, 2012

my kind of labor day

Colin is back from DragonCon and we are relieved that his car wasn't towed, booted or ticketed.  I'm also happy my Canon Elph made it home with him. I love my Big Canons, but for quick and dirty shots in the studio, this little bugger is my go-to tool.


I spent most of yesterday and all of this morning convincing "Consolation" (stitch by endless stitch) that it would be in it's best interest to lay flat, have no pooches and generally act like art.

That mission accomplished, I took a deep breath and machine pillow-faced it with a damask backing trusting that the soft cloth would wrap nicely around the tattered linen edges of this piece. At first I was worried that it would lose it's "wildness", but now that it's done I can see that those hairy edges were a messy distraction and the facing was a good choice.

There's a sleeve pinned in place that I'll nail that down after dinner. And Medlen just pitched an entire game for the Braves, beating the Rockies 6-1!

Sunday, September 02, 2012

my spirits lifted over the fence

Labor Day Sale

And now a word of crass commercialism from our sponsor..Random Acts of two get one free!!    (this is Helios...the more I look at it the less likely it is you'll be able to buy it :)

Saturday, September 01, 2012

treading water

I've been MIA here for a few days and with not a whole lot to show for it. We had almost a week of crappy, rainy weather and I feel like I've lost the best part of the swimming season - a big deal for me because it is the only physical exercise that I get and for me, time spent in the water is as much restorative for the soul as it is for the body. I did get in the pool today and got ahead of the falling leaves with the net..the water is still warm and clean and the sun was strong enough to chase the chill of the breeze. Feeling much better now and can face another Shift of Fools (I have to work the day job this weekend).

I think I've solved a knotty presentation problem with a piece I'm preparing to enter in Quilt National. The piece is large with several layers of cloth and completely hand stitched – a recipe for a Bitch to Hang -which would be a provocative name for anything else that I undertake with this same combination of materials and methods. You read it here first...”A Bitch to Hang”. Another six or eight hours of stitching and fiddling on a sleeve and it will be ready to photograph.

My show at Phoenix & Dragon comes down next week and I plan on taking these giant bad boys with me. While Colin is taking down the show, I will put these up on the spacious wall and hopefully get some quality shots. Three birds with one trip across the metro Atlanta top end..otherwise known as the race track from Ben Hur. Now all I have to do is get them completed.

Oh...the prizes are in the mail, Dazzle is on a camel bound for Australia (two weeks the PO told me!) and there is a basket of beautiful cloth under the work table that has been whispering to me "come, sit down and play. leave off with that deadline crap. who cares anyway" 

Friday, August 31, 2012

another year, another Con

Nothing exciting from me but my son Colin is attending DragonCon 2012 this weekend and has sent back some pictures including this one which could be a fabulous quilt..

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

those broad strokes

It's been so long since I fired up the Janome and rocked that free motion foot...speaking of which I really need to find a replacement for this one, silly little open toed plastic bugger anyway. If you have any recommendations for a freemotion foot  that will fit the Janome 6500 I'd welcome the info.

I'm using a different sort of support for this one for the first time. Not a batting but a synthetic mattress pad. Weird stuff but I have acres of it so the price is right. It has no warp or weft like fleece but very stable with no stretch or give at all in any direction, needles like it's not there and not too heavy or thick although the size of this piece makes me feel like I'm making sails. (the oval in the center of this image 8" across) . There's just enough depth to show off the  machine stitches.

I am looking forward to more Broad Strokes using up those Usual Suspects.

Giveaway results..

I didn't forget..oh yes I did and Sweetie is mad at me about her new flea collar so there was no persuading her to pick a winner this time so I  it did it the old fashioned way..names scribbled on paper snips and drawn from the hat. First pick goes to Jeannie and second to Phyllis King. email me with your snail mail addresses and I'll get the out to you by the weekend.  Thanks for playing!

I will be doing more with this technique in the near future..stay tuned.

Monday, August 27, 2012

hunkering down

Some of the colors have gone soft and wishful while others remain fierce. The mixes are getting tired this late in the season. And of course, when I wasn't looking for it, a Stygian black blended from a little of this, that,and the other! The white spots are from soy wax resist. There are a few more pieces done with a second round of soy stewing in a dark sable brown and will have to stay until tomorrow.