Friday, November 05, 2010

home on a Friday...

...with a sore throat and fever. I'm grateful that I don't have to talk to a bunch of crabby asses on the phone this afternoon.  The sun is bright, the air fresh and I'll get some exercise outside later.

    There's nothing like a  good patch of give and take with fellow artists to stir the creative pot. Did some looking around, looking back - and so spotted a light on the path forward.  The card of the day was right. These pieces are stuck up on the design wall now and having a lot to say.

I'll let them perk a while and get back to quilting the one in progress now, refreshed hopefully, for the stitching and what it could bring to the design.

Here's a much better photo of the container that's still evolving.


Quilt or Dye said...

Well Wishes coming your direction.

Anonymous said...

Hey Deb like this piece in waiting, can't help thinking of a field of of corn and poppies in the late afternoon sun... The sun?... Good! Havn't seen him in a very long time!

Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

Hope you are feeling better now! And I LOVE the embellished cuss-pot! You should do more of these! And your pieces on the design board are great! I do love watching your work evolve and progress...