Wednesday, November 02, 2011

beach inspired experiments

Moving on with my surf and jellyfish dyeing experiments - this piece turned out predictably erratic and uninspired.

This morning I fired up the kitchen dyeworks, broke out the soywax and set to work.

I did not stop to take pictures of these two in progress but spent the better part of the morning transforming just two 20"x20" pieces of damask with a series of wax resists and overdyeing.

Time was I measured the success of a dyefest in quantity as much as quality. Working within the restraints of the kitchen will add a new dimension of FOCUS . blah blue becomes .........

and differing set of steps produced a phantasm!
Go Here for a closer look. yes, I did take notes.


grace Forrest~Maestas said...

i don't know what to say....

am just starring, mouth hanging

Karoda said...

this is a delicious piece!