Sunday, April 07, 2024

eclipse eve


Go here for the rest of it. Keep your eye on the guy on the right.

I've been looking at color all day. Broke out the acrylics and paper for a little flexing. The deck wasn't as bad as I thought. Pick up and hose off mostly. 

I've been leafing through a kind of color Bible.
My big color compass, Joan Mitchell.  (Liz- our exchange in the comments is still relevant)


I must have a dozen of these steel hotel pans all over the house. Bathrooms, studio, kitchen. They are so useful. Tomorrow I'll use them for steeping a few larger pieces of cloth. Let them stew in their juices during the eclipse. 

Everything is filled with fresh water because the hose head leaks. The front end of my process is relatively low water. The next day, I pray for rain to help with the first rinse. 

The new Thyme in the foreground and the Old Lavender are so alike in form, but so different under the nose. And look at the moss growing on the sides of the fiber pots!

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