Sending and receiving via the post office has been sketchy for a while here in Georgia thanks to a 'new' processing center in Palmetto, GA only one hour away from me with the city of Atlanta smack in between.
No excuses have been forthcoming, but I imagine the Postmaster General, Louis Dejoy, (a Trump appointee) is laying the groundwork for disrupting mail-in ballots.
That's enough poison for one morning. I'm sneaking up on a dyefest. Late that I am, I'll call it the Solstice Special.
If I write a book about dyeing dirty, it will have to be fiction because I'll be damned if I'll pay lawyers to write up disclaimers. Here is the one I wrote years ago:
My "Law & Order" law degree dictates that I give all the inane and obvious warnings up front - Don't huff dry dye powder. It will gunk up your lungs. Don't drink dishwasher gel or soda ash solution. Don't make any of it into meatloaf and don't use it to cure crabs.
My "Law & Order" law degree dictates that I give all the inane and obvious warnings up front - Don't huff dry dye powder. It will gunk up your lungs. Don't drink dishwasher gel or soda ash solution. Don't make any of it into meatloaf and don't use it to cure crabs.
Being a carbon-based life form myself, chemicals bother me so I work outdoors and wear gloves and glasses. Duh. This stuff will kill you as quickly as most anything else under your kitchen sink.
If anyone chooses to disregard common sense (so what else is new?) the gene pool thanks you for getting out.
I spent most of the game measuring off forty turns of thread onto my treasured Luminarc tumbler. I got them as a wedding gift so long ago and still have three shorties and three tall ones. Just a tool that I favor.
No science here, but I think the handling and the smoothness of the glass sets up a uniform surface on the thread that may cause the shine mine are known for.
Or it could be the devil's bat piss.
I'm not trying to kill myself out there in the sun today so this is going to be a short run, which is a good thing in the long run.
There's still a lot of summer ahead and the pool beckons.
Listen. So much magic in his lyrics.
I don’t get how Dejoy is still postmaster general
Meatloaf or cure crabs! You tickle me and meant to come back about the chair you left out for the neighbor! That's the sweetest ever. Wish I had held a ticket for my Redbirds up in Birmingham...a little too pricey. Happy dye fest...a jump in pool outta wash any magic dust off ya! Going to look up Joe Henry!
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