Friday, August 30, 2024
Maggie May
Thursday, August 29, 2024
The end of the line
Monday, August 26, 2024
Last pool day, maybe.
Sunday, August 25, 2024
The blue I do
Imagine chasing a runaway creature. It zigzags across the meadow, you dig in and try to cut it off. It gains on you, then stops and looks back over its shoulder. Maybe even sticks out its tongue or waggles its ass.
That's writing when you are out of practice. False starts and blind alleys. But an elusive taste is all it takes to pull me back in and it's been delicious.
He's nearly mastered shuffling. The hands will grow and it will get easier.
After this, there was no living with him for a few hands.
We use imaginary money and the discussions are about odds, percentages, money management, and gambling addictions including a warning about genetic predilections.
My advantage? When only two people play poker no one ever gets too far ahead.
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Full moon reading
I left my Tarot spread out on the carpet by the glass doors. The full moon was so bright that I woke up disoriented about the time.
You've simultaneously been under the spell of the past and the unknown future. Overlapping ripples.
If it were productive or fun it would be a drug, but it's neither. And so you are emotionally empty. Exhausted.
But that's an open, receptive state.
The Knight is doing what must be done. The steps are known and clear. Move forward with a heart open to the emotional relief that taking these steps will bring.
Monday, August 19, 2024
Wild weekend
My camera failed to catch the orange ball of the sun as it sank under that freight train of black clouds that chased us home.
Back home in the studio, the cloth that I left out in the rain kept a lot of its promise.
Friday, August 16, 2024
The marathon
Thursday, August 15, 2024
Studio life
My staging space has been co-opted by the household security guard. I should have expected this because he's been camping out by my feet most mornings.
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
The players
A gray day today. The window to get these shots was very brief. Not a bad thing. I was sitting there waving hanks around trying to make them play nicely. Not so fast. This rainbow hit the blender.
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
The wait.. updated
This is the coolest thing. It collapses down to nothing and gets "misplaced" because I can put it away in too many snug places.
I bought it a few years ago intending to dry my herb harvest, but luckily, I did a lot of research and this is not appropriate for the proper drying/curing of the Devil's Lettuce (or was that Jazz Lettuce?) Anyway, the flowers have a lot of sticky business, like sap. The more the merrier. It would have stuck all over the mesh ruining the crop and dryer.
Turns out that High Hoops is the best way to dry hanks of thread and small pieces of cloth. Some of that will happen tomorrow.
These have been hanging outside for most of the day. In about an hour, I'll bring the whole thing inside and get the new players into the lineup.
There is a LOT of thread here. I'm going to sort these into color groups.
Would Textilians trust me to put together sets of colors without committing them to groups just yet? So time-consuming!
If you trust me to dish up a rainbow of color plus one of the B&Ws, email me and we'll work something out.
While we wait, some fun:
Monday, August 12, 2024
Stoned ponies
It's been a while. This is my psychedelic, off-the-chain version of Jude's magic thread. Black and white and barely in control.
Sunday, August 11, 2024
The back end
Saturday, August 10, 2024
Under the Big Top
Friday, August 09, 2024
Dream Life
From some writing craft book: "No one wants to read your character's dreams."
I wonder.
I woke up this morning exhausted, not quite knowing where or when I was.
This never gets old.
That's Rocky peeking out. Dennis taking his ease.
A huge limb from the water oak on the island fell across the yard yesterday. You can see it's shadow in the foreground of this picture from a few days back.
I don't know whether it fell on its own or the cable guys knocked it down on purpose. It's clearly very dead and there are more up there like it.. It missed my car by a few feet.
Wednesday, August 07, 2024
Debby didn't do Atlanta
At all.
Yesterday was sketchy with cloud patches wandering aimlessly. Every time I thought about suiting up the sky got punchy. Five minutes later, blaring sunshine.
I gave up the notion of swimming and took care of some errands. Drove a wide loop that took me from the post office to the library along with a herd of the yellow peril. I'd forgotten about school buses oozing into regular traffic like so much molasses. Oh well.
The Algo must have sensed my need for good music. I love it when a great segue makes me say, "damn smooth." Finished the circuit with some iced coffee and glazed chocolate donut hearts.
The cold dwindles finally after some experimentation with herbal and OTC meds. It probably would have resolved without them, but I slept good.
All that in preparation for some good reading followed by a whole morning of word whipping and finally, pool time. My gills were drying out.
Hot and sunny, Debby skipped us altogether.
Tuesday, August 06, 2024
Low tide, but turning
Since Friday morning I have been entertaining a world-class head cold, no other symptoms, thank you. For me it's the kind of thing that requires stillness. I have been sitting in the stitching chair looking out at the Island Jungle or in the darkened bedroom watching the Olympic surfers in Tahiti with the sound off.
The waters off Tahiti sport my favorite range of cool blues. I understand the need for the safety of the surfers - the waters at the break are shallow and the coral reefs are punishingly sharp. And it is French Polynesia. But if you have ever felt the power of the ocean lift and carry you while you balance on a slab of wood and plastic, these waves look tame compared to the majesty of the surf around the Hawaiian Islands.
Friday, August 02, 2024
Form and function
I cut off one edge, doubled, for the shoulder straps. Left them wide and comfortable. Pinned them into place before committing to the spacing, front and back.
Thursday, August 01, 2024
Home from away
Do you remember being over summer vacation and unwilling to admit that you were looking forward to going back to school?
I have been reminded.
The birthday party was a huge success. The house and grounds buzzed with youngsters like so many dizzy hornets.
This was the best day. We paddled around and he narrated a sci-fi screenplay on the fly. Zombies and all.
Minute by minute I was reminded of my purpose, much more than in loco parentis. I have magic to share every moment I can spare. All else is dust.
I have a lingering case of ennui that I hope to solve tomorrow by cleaning MY neglected pool. The cats have forgiven me.