Monday, August 19, 2024

Wild weekend


I had to ask both my sons who taught them to skateboard? Both said, "Nobody!"  The best I could do was not watch, even when Colin came inside and said, "I think I broke my arm." He had. A greenstick fracture to the forearm.

In this sport, injury is inevitable. Charlie's getting a good start with all the necessary gear and came away from his first flight with a minor bruise and an appreciation for how hard concrete is. Bless those young bones.

With very little input, he was up and finding his balance point. All I could do was sit quiet, get a few shots, and keep my lip zipped. 

We left the skatepark to get to the adjacent soccer fields to cheer on Charlie's cousin in her first game. In minutes, the game was called for lightning! And we had a harrowing ride home, fortunately with a pro at the wheel of a big, safe truck.

My camera failed to catch the orange ball of the sun as it sank under that freight train of black clouds that chased us home.

Back home in the studio, the cloth that I left out in the rain kept a lot of its promise.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Go Charlie!! Boy, that sky! I've only seen a sky that dark on our road trip, WY. when we got through to the next town, the ladies in the quilt store were shocked that we'd driven through!! I think we didn't know better coming from SoCal :)