Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Debby didn't do Atlanta

 At all. 

Yesterday was sketchy with cloud patches wandering aimlessly. Every time I thought about suiting up the sky got punchy. Five minutes later, blaring sunshine. 

I gave up the notion of swimming and took care of some errands. Drove a wide loop that took me from the post office to the library along with a herd of the yellow peril. I'd forgotten about school buses oozing into regular traffic like so much molasses. Oh well. 

The Algo must have sensed my need for good music. I love it when a great segue makes me say, "damn smooth." Finished the circuit with some iced coffee and glazed chocolate donut hearts.

The cold dwindles finally after some experimentation with herbal and OTC meds. It probably would have resolved without them, but I slept good.

All that in preparation for some good reading followed by a whole morning of word whipping and finally, pool time. My gills were drying out.

Hot and sunny, Debby skipped us altogether. 


Nancy said...

Well, at least you got your errands done! Good sleep is not to be taken for granted. 🤞I get some tonight. Love that you have those ducks floating. Reminds me of the duck boat in Boston.

deemallon said...

You could describe doing the dishes and I’d be here for it!