Sunday, August 25, 2024

The blue I do


Imagine chasing a runaway creature. It zigzags across the meadow, you dig in and try to cut it off. It gains on you, then stops and looks back over its shoulder. Maybe even sticks out its tongue or waggles its ass. 

That's writing when you are out of practice. False starts and blind alleys. But an elusive taste is all it takes to pull me back in and it's been delicious.

This is the blue I'll be working with for a while.

The cloth and threads will tend themselves.

I'm prepping for a road trip. Does anyone have any audiobook recommendations? 

He's nearly mastered shuffling. The hands will grow and it will get easier. 

After this, there was no living with him for a few hands. 

We use imaginary money and the discussions are about odds, percentages, money management, and gambling addictions including a warning about genetic predilections.  

My advantage? When only two people play poker no one ever gets too far ahead. 

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