Saturday, December 17, 2005

A Quiet Saturday Night

We had an invite to a posh do in town but Jim's been coming down with a rotten cold for about a WEEK now. He's one of those guys who thinks he's invincible. He came home from work early this afternoon and curled up on the couch. Immediately, Nurse Karma jumped up to do her vigil. This cat is one of the most haughty, arrogant females on the planet. I am sure it pains HRH daily to have to suffer living with these commoners. She rarely has anything nice to say to anyone beyond giving orders and almost never permits petting. There is once huge exception in her behavior. If someone in the house is ill, even just lying down with a headache, Karma approaches the sickabee tentatively and then, with a stern look at the patient as if to say "Tut, tut, my deah. All will be well soon" she climbs aboard and just roosts on you purring, hours if you don't stir. It's such a contrast to the way she normally acts, aloof and skittish. Jim was mildly alarmed. "Stop looking at me like that." I actually think she's sitting there thinking this last ditch attempt at cuddly civility will get her into someone's will. Or else she is planning to eat your eyes once they flutter down for the last time. I like cats. They don't really care about us beyond what we have to offer. So the house is quiet, I am alone and have had a good weep over the last half of "You've Got Mail" and finally finished my buddy's Christmas gift. You better not read this JR! I don't know how long it is but I'm 5'8" (well I used to be) and it hangs down mid-calf on both sides and it's a foot wide. Jinx helped. Now I am going to listen to Vin on WFUV and whoop someone's butt at Literati.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

The Mad Dash

I just finished putting together a lap quilt for my Dad from a top that I finished back in the spring. Almost a traditional piece for me but that will suit him just fine. He is 81 now, I think. There is some controversy over exactly how old he is since he white lied a few years in order to enlist in the Navy. How old do you think he looks in this the little guy on the left. He had a major surgery just before Thanksgiving and has been slow bouncing back so I think a warmer will be welcome. It goes in the Big Box tomorrow with all the other presents bound for New York and then I have to turn my attention to my immediate family. We are inclined to buy one another things like all weather tires and microwaves. I have asked for garage doors this year and fully expect to get them. And for a few more minutes at the machine, the last post card for 2005.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Christmas Party booty

Nothing like learning a neat new trick! And just what my creative process needed- Another way to waste time, although these do make pretty nice gifts. Friday night I went with my husband to his office Christmas party which was held at a very nice local restaurant. It was the first time meeting all of these people so it was a little awkward at first. Then I noticed that the woman sitting two seats to my right was doing something foldy with her napkin while we waited for our food. Of course I had to ask and she explained that a customer had come into the FABRIC STORE she manages and showed her this little origami purse she had made from a pattern she found in a magazine.Starting with a simple square folded three times you wind up with a neat little bag that has four seperate compartments. I snatched a tiny sheet of paper from my notebook and asked her to show me again. It was the simplest little trick since those paper fortune tellers we made in school. The next day I went to H-A's for some snaps. ONLY some snaps. I came away with four bundles of satin brocade, yards of twisted gold and black cord, metallic threads (woo-woo 50% off!), fancy frogs and a ceramic dog dish so my folks will stop feeding Debo off the people plates. Here's what I made:

Monday, December 12, 2005

The Quilters Prayer


_________ Market Scene_____________...
Quiet, dark house.
A distant dryer rumbles.
Everyone home and sleeping.
Coiled cats mutter over
missed sunning opportunities, paws over their eyes.
In the market today I stood in a shaft of sunlight
glad it was coming over my shoulder,
the better to read the promises and lies
on the bottles of vitamins. After the Cs, Ds and Es,
I closed my eyes and leaned back into the warmth
resigned to indecision.
Leaning out the window of his glass prison,
the elderly pharmacist said "Bella, Signora, bella".
From some other me,I knew to smile and say "Grazie"
then turn and get on with the day, a winter bouquet added to my list.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

One more

You won't hate me for this either. Does anyone know who that is singing and breaking my heart?