Friday, May 31, 2013

stars rushing in

At some point soon, there will be stars on (or is it "in") the firmament.

I am really going to have to restrain myself here.

And suddenly I have a craving for further pieces of black and white!

Dye day tomorrow...

happy friday!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

morning gloom

The racket of power equipment started with coffee this morning. The electric company has been prowling the neighborhood pruning and lopping trees that overhand or otherwise threaten the power lines which are still archaically strung from poles in this old neighborhood.

That tree on our next door neighbors front lawn has been leaning pretty much like that for a long time. When it does fall it's going to sweep down poles, wires, transformers and all.  Still, I'm happy they did not cut it down but merely manicured the front side..ridiculous if you know any geometry at all.

I went back to minding my own business only to run into a little resistance at the work table. Oh well, the light wasn't yet really optimal for hand stitching.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Having a day off in the middle of the week is such a treat I don't mind giving up Saturday nights. We went to see Star Trek Into Darkness today. I could take or leave 3D but it was great fun-
love having all my buttons pushed.

I have given up watching movie trailers and reading reviews so I won't spoil it for anyone. Let's just say if you have ever been a fan, you'll love it.

Earlier today I settled on some changes for Firmament. I'll be basting away all these pins tomorrow and starting a few applique experiments for the skyful of stars I've imagined.

 One of the coolest things on my new phone is Droid Sky View.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013