Friday, August 02, 2024

Form and function

I wasn't going to wear this as is, but a lag in doing my laundry called for it. In hand, it didn't have much promise. Then I slipped it over my head.

"Heavenly" might be misconstrued. The funny thing is, if I lived alone I'd still be sleeping naked as I did most of my life. Since Jim passed, I've gotten used to having a little something between me and the sheets. The favorites have about run their course of usefulness. Now this. Soft, airy, just roomy enough without any excess. 

Now I have a template, a perfect fit for me, and the search is on for one or two more of these elegant, simple tablecloths. I'll measure it tomorrow, including the foot and a half that I lopped off. That piece will become the facing on a robe I'm working on. 

This is the only seam. I overlapped the two edges and left a few inches open mostly because those hemmed edges fell open like flower petals. Just enough. 

I stared long and hard at the array of fancy stitches the Janome had to offer. Test drove a few and settled on this one for its clean functionality. Of course, I had no white thread so I went with the pale blue rayon which won't be obtrusive if it refuses the dye. You never know. 

I cut off one edge, doubled, for the shoulder straps. Left them wide and comfortable. Pinned them into place before committing to the spacing, front and back.

I'm still going to dye it. 

Me, all pleased with myself just before a summer cold fell on me like a starving hyena.


Nancy said...

Aw, you should be pleased with yourself! this looks like a perfect summer sleep :)
Take care and feel better soon.

Liz A said...

time was I couldn't imagine sleeping in any way but the buff ... but ever since menopausal night sweats began (and continue to this day) it's flannel in the winter and India cotton in the summer to keep things from sticking together (with apologies to anyone for whom this is TMI)

I can well imagine how cooling linen would be ... hmmm, surely I have a table cloth somewhere in the stash

Joanne S said...

Now I want one.......and my usual is a worn out cotton v neck tee.
but my sheets are well worn I guess I already have what I need.,,Laughing.

deemallon said...

Beautiful! Nice adaptation. Me? I might want to leave it white.

Hope you feel better soon!