Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The wait.. updated


This is the coolest thing. It collapses down to nothing and gets "misplaced" because I can put it away in too many snug places. 

I bought it a few years ago intending to dry my herb harvest, but luckily, I did a lot of research and this is not appropriate for the proper drying/curing of the Devil's Lettuce (or was that Jazz Lettuce?) Anyway, the flowers have a lot of sticky business, like sap. The more the merrier. It would have stuck all over the mesh ruining the crop and dryer. 

Turns out that High Hoops is the best way to dry hanks of thread and small pieces of cloth. Some of that will happen tomorrow. 

These have been hanging outside for most of the day. In about an hour, I'll bring the whole thing inside and get the new players into the lineup. 

There is a LOT of thread here. I'm going to sort these into color groups. 

Would Textilians trust me to put together sets of colors without committing them to groups just yet? So time-consuming!

If you trust me to dish up a rainbow of color plus one of the B&Ws, email me and we'll work something out. 

While we wait, some fun:



Anonymous said...

Oh you magic, magic lady!! Gorgeous! That drying contraption is a true treasure. 🙂 Thanks for the music too.

Anonymous said...

Ooops, it was me Nancy

Joanne S said...

that looks like an EASY and Efficient way to do the threads- gorgeous as always....Oh, the threads look nice, also.