Friday, August 20, 2010


We had a bad shock yesterday morning. Awoke to find the water level down almost a foot from the edge.

We thought there was a leaking in the aging hose system that is concealed under the decking all round the pool - a nightmare to service or replace.  The water loss turned out to be from a valve that had stuck not quite closed during a backwash.  Thanks to the Pool Deities and other interested parties.
 Living without air conditioning down here would be brutal if it wasn't for the relief of the pool.  I will be spending the morning preparing new fiber collections some have been clamoring for  to post in the store...and then diving in!  Any colorway requests before I begin? What's the color mood?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

honor thy process

My scant creative time has lately been eaten up by hand stitching on two ongoing, large projects and I find myself getting antsy. It's been so long since I've started something new that I needed remind myself how.

While looking for something else in the archives I found the post above. It took a few seconds for me to remember that after a long time staring at those fabrics as they hung on the wall in the bedroom (I used to just stare at them before falling asleep when I woke up) they sorted themselves out to this, one of my favorites, "Hopped Up". It's time to take some things out of the piles of fabric and hang them up for my mind's eye to doodle with.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hello Belgium

Did you ever get the feeling someone was talking about you  - well, your work, as an artist?

A whole bunch of folks in Belgium seem to have discovered this blog. I'd like to say "hey" but I can't uncover which is the best language to go with so "Bonjour", "Guten Tag" and "Goeiendag" for openers.

Monday, August 16, 2010

blues and blooms

I woke up before dawn this morning and "Witness" was on the TV, sound way down low so it was all about the marvelous colors that everyone (except Harrison Ford) was wearing. I wonder if the Amish really dress this way?

and for the first time since they were planted, all four of my crepe myrtles are blooming at the same time.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

moving the mountain with a teaspoon

I'm using four strands of Sulky 12wt cotton through all these layers of muslin, damask and silk. It goes so smoothly with no fussing or jumping into knots I know I'm going to have a hard time finding the stopping place even though this piece is something like 40"x65".

My intention is to build this piece as if it were to be used as bedding so the quilting layer has to look as good on the back as it does on the front (but don't call the quilt police just yet) .

And once again, while I was in the studio looking for something else, I unearthed this one which is waiting it's turn for the same treatment...