Friday, August 30, 2024

Maggie May

Reluctance to commit to an orientation is a good sign. 

And these wrinkles! The silk has shed little shadow ghosts of dye in places. I'm thinking about amplifying them in some way other than stitch. 

I actually have to go buy some black embroidery thread. 

The morning sun when it's in your face really shows your age. 

A pop song from ages past (1971!) that still gets too much play. I never understood the connection (there is none) between the intro and the song itself.
Rod's singing about the problems of being with an older woman. 

 I was with a guy who would have been a whole two years behind me in high school if he had graduated. He seemed to think that skipping that part gave him some kind of special status. Whenever this song came on the car radio, he took perverse delight in turning it up and making something of our age difference. I used to look out the car window and think, What an asshole. But then, he was the asshole who told Jimmy he could come sleep on my couch...

There is SO much cloth in the scrap bin I'm having a sale.


Joanne S said...

Big Smile regarding the couch.......need to find some Rod Stewart to listen to-- IF there is any in the house.......

Anonymous said...

Your love story reads like a movie, or novel or whatever. I am filled every time I read a new piece of the Deb & Jimmy tale.
As far as Maggie May, I was singing in my head as soon as I read those lyrics. I can safely say that this is the one song from my teens that I never, ever tire of. It never recedes into the background, it stops me in my tracks every time. Such a great album.

Anonymous said...

ah maggie may! i can tell you exactly where i bought that album -- from poobah's a levi jeans and record store in the town where i went to college. levis used to make the coolest jeans. i had a pair of gray with black pinstipes that i bought there along with a pair of leather jeans. i miss that store!! and i still have that record and have always loved rod stewart since then.

ARTISUN said...

I remember exactly where I was when I first heard Maggie May. Getting my first flirt on with a neighborhood boy and then getting a ride behind him on his mini bike. Holding on tight with my arms wrapped around his waist and the wind blowing in my face. Pure heaven!

Deb Lacativa said...

Heaven indeed! A fabulous memory.