Friday, June 01, 2012

Friday Eye Candy

I'm going to treat myself to some extended time in the studio this weekend. Time to reorder my priorities in here; take a hard look at things in progress, acknowledging failures and move on.  There's a trend going on that I want to encourage and I want to get some new pieces and raw materials into the shop.

In lieu of getting falling down Friday drunk, here's some fun stuff that's taking up about a cubic yard in the closet. I was thinking of leaving them in public places and taking pictures of people's reactions but I am fairly sure that some citizen will call the bomb squad and my 3D Uninformed Innards will be blown to smithereens by  a swat team robot and then I would be arrested for littering as the polyester stuffing creates a snowstorm.  Most of these are twice as big as an industrial meatloaf, quite the threat!   Any suggestions?

Thursday, May 31, 2012

larger things calling

I set aside the current WIP for a rest and pulled this monster from the UFO pile this morning and started the hand stitching. Still wondering if and how it will make any impact on such a large piece. One stitch at a time I guess.

Put in another couple hours of Hard Labor this morning trying to get the pool cleaned. Life, death and circumstances have thrown the pool schedule way off.

The eight inches of sludge in the bottom of the pool was so inhospitably nasty that the frogs wouldn't even lay their eggs in it. They all went next door to the neighbor's pool so there's no need for a big tadpole rescue this year.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

starting places

I spent some time stitching this morning; the sun is breaking through the heavy cloud cover from yesterday that was just plain depressing. A serious change of pace is in order so I'm off to attend to a long overdue outside chore. Pictures when it's gorgeous again. ..

A note on my design process - it always starts with color. the shapes are already there, the hacked remains from other projects jumbled together in the big scrap basket.

 I settle on three to five major elements, a base, and then spent a good bit of time shuffling the shapes around until I'm happy with how they are relating to one another.

 I rarely trim the pieces, more often rip, fold or turn the shapes as needed. I try to work from all four points of the compass to make sure that the design is working well.

Many people, myself included, "find" creatures in my work. I can't deny that they turn up but feel the need to let people know that "representing" is not my starting place.
No need to delve into the why of it all. There they are, even if I change the original orientation of the work. I'm just happy that people look long enough to find something that intrigues them.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

vicarious fun

Jake & Missy are in NYC all week as genuine tourists.
 I saw them yesterday on a live webcam from Times Square! I hear there will be Sabrett's hotdogs for lunch!

Time to start planning my own trip!

and time now to stop stitching  now and do larger, standing up things...

Monday, May 28, 2012

b&w tribute

It's much too soon but eventually I will challenge heart and soul to work in black and white.

Karma was an endlessly fascinating photographic subject. Her rich lack of colors on both ends of the spectrum, the length of her silky coat and flexible laziness made it appear that her markings actually changed from day to day. Some kind of cat magic.

Some days she appeared more white than black, other days, the other way around.

I don't think I have cloth black enough.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


I hate it but the necessary evil, the air conditioner, is now blocking my view of the drive and half the north light that came in that window. Still, there's the strong east light from the other window and the early morning hours to get things done. The world is quiet and the time is my own.

Now I'm wondering if the embroidered bits are too busy even though the values/color blend in..what, if anything, could my stitching add? More could be way too much.

Friday, May 25, 2012

the solace of stitch

One stitch after the next moving as water in the river or clouds across the sky.


HRH Madam Karma has departed and we, her loving subjects, are bereft.

For seventeen years she taught us the essence of imperial languor, grace and dignity.

Rest easy beautiful girl.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

WIP 5.23.12 updated

Unbidden, they come into our lives and take over.

that green spotty thing left town for another project


Yes, you might recognize this last scrap of the gold and grey damask from this piece's funny how certain pieces of cloth that are humble and unprepossessing in person become integral to more than one finished piece of art. I've done it often. Have you?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

WIP on the wall

It's so nice to be able to get to my design wall again. I worked on this during the storm last night. There were a lot of satin stitched circles that all got picked out as soon as they were finished. Instead, I'm using areas defined by rows of a wrapped split stitch. I'm happy that it can be seen from across the room - my biggest complaint about spending time hand stitching is it's lack of visual impact unless you are right on top of it. This piece is 34"x27" overall.

bag change time

My summer tote, which started life as a Vera Bradley dufflebag (back when she was wallowing in monochromatic paisleys). I never  took a picture of it then. The overall yellow with acid green was not easy on the eyes but, hey, it was half off.

 It had a rough ride in the commercial washing machine recently - a lot of the small pieces of damask completely disintegrated - so I spent a few days repaving it with a stronger, more vibrant set of scraps.   It's not as candy box pretty as it used to be but still sturdy and full of years of service so I'm giving my good leather bag the summer off.

Monday, May 21, 2012

sitting still..not

I was working last night and, between calls, picking idly through a large basket of miscellaneous scraps. I came across a large piece of  linen (?) that had been a garment of some sort but was so deconstructed all that was left were the back yoke and two sleeves.

Suddenly I was seized by the need to thread up a needle and do some hand work.

I'm off today and you would think I'd pounce on the impulse to sit and sew but I have to ration my chair time carefully. Since getting back from NY I'm having a hard time spending my eight hour  shift sitting anywhere, even with breaks and stretching. .

Sunday, May 20, 2012


I finally feel like I am getting somewhere in this room and it feels great.

Jake came by yesterday and removed the useless wire racks that we installed in the closet. They were perfect back when this was a bedroom. I have learned that you can stack plastic tubs full of cloth only four high so I'm still thinking traditional wooden shelving (built to accommodate the storage I already have) will be the answer. I will be consulting my personal master carpenter. He loves it when I owe him favors.

This is one of my first "Flings" - a summer weight quilt, just top and back. All cotton, the top is machine pieced hand dyes with inset vintage cotton embroidered bits, also dyed. The back is plain muslin and joined to the top with wandering scrolls and paths of hand quilting. The tongues on the edges, just for fun.

I am napping under Ocean Homes (below) these days so Blue Fling  is up for sale in the store.

Ocean Homes