Monday, September 17, 2012

season's end + new starts

I couldn't bring myself to write about it yesterday but Saturday was the last day for my pool this season. The weather turned cloudy midday yesterday and with the rain a steep temperature drop. As it was, the last week I was only in the water thirty minutes at a time before getting too cold.

I started this small, hand stitched piece last night while I watched (with delight) while the Braves swept the Nats.

It's time to spend the morning light in the stitching chair again...and a series of new, large pieces will be coming up on the design wall. Staying with the notion of combining hand work with the large pieces.

The turn of the seasons leads to much introspection both - forward and backward - new thoughts, new paths. I'm going to be taking on the sketchbook challenge to replace a recently found bad internet habit. Don't go there, you'll hate me for it if you do. Talk about mindless!


Nancy said...

Look at those lovely mermaid feet! I sent the word game on to my guy!

Jeannie said...

LOL! I went, I saw, I hurried away! I have stayed away from that site for good reason. 4am insomnia playing internet games leads to days on end of stupor and dust bunnies named Harvey.
I am sorry to see the end of pool season. We are having a late season heat wave and I am loving every second of it. Soon enough the wool socks will be out and a shoe horn will be used to get me out of the house. But for now, I am up to my eyebrows in dye, soy wax, indigo, and cloth. In other words - bliss!
Wishing you a wonderful week with clients who have brains and stitches that highlight the cloth.

Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

After reading your post yesterday, I went out and browsed the Sketchbook Challenge... think I'll be spending some more time over there, just to see what's up. I'm a lousy, lazy sketcher, but I'm feeling a little pull in that direction. thanks for planting the seed! Sorry to hear pool season is over for you...