Friday, September 21, 2012

some good friday news

It was good to just sit with this one in the morning and get all the "definitely" pieces basted into place..there's a pound of pins in it and with the slinky weight of the damask, taking it back and forth between the design wall and the work table is asking for a slash.

I decided against that mutant tangerine lurking under the tea bowl - it was a little too violent. While searching the (recent) stash for other elements, I put together three additional groups that will be up on the wall working it out soon. There will be lots of trials, with as much patience as I can muster to avoid hasty detours. I don't want to spend one minute working on something that has not completely enchanted me.

note to jerks...get a job

Alas, I've had to disable allowing Anonymous comments.

You would think they would get the picture but I'm sure its all automated. Although I moderate comments first I'm just tired of having my email inbox looking like the Augean stables. But I WILL NOT start the captcha nonsense.. If you don't want to mess about with comments and you have something to say .please send me an email  and I'll post it on your behalf.

 Blogger is not perfect but I know it so well I don't want to jump from the frying pan into the bloody flames!

and for some pleasing eye candy, I'm saving the seeds from this morning glory plant I call "Tough Guy" because it has thrived even though neglected.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

transition days

The nights have turned chill enough to turn off the fans and window AC unit and sleep is deep ...except for last night.  I found a long misplaced toy yesterday afternoon so I dug the old school I-pod that fits it, charged it up and set it down low when I went to bed in hopes of tuning out the white noise I have been living with. the little girls say. I had forgotten that I had stuffed it with about 400 of my most favorite pieces of music and the music box serenaded me until nearly 3am..until the last notes of Gravity faded and I finally pulled it off my head. Who can sleep when the music is fabulous?. One day, I'll make a list...

.Nothing much going on in the studio. Still folding, fondling and daydreaming.  We put up another hummingbird feeder to cut the rioting in half and the poor remaining flowers are constantly being pummeled by those birds not brave enough to belly up to the plastic bars. They have knocked most of the flowers off the tired grape hyacinths that wrapped up the wind chimes on the upper deck.

Monday, September 17, 2012

season's end + new starts

I couldn't bring myself to write about it yesterday but Saturday was the last day for my pool this season. The weather turned cloudy midday yesterday and with the rain a steep temperature drop. As it was, the last week I was only in the water thirty minutes at a time before getting too cold.

I started this small, hand stitched piece last night while I watched (with delight) while the Braves swept the Nats.

It's time to spend the morning light in the stitching chair again...and a series of new, large pieces will be coming up on the design wall. Staying with the notion of combining hand work with the large pieces.

The turn of the seasons leads to much introspection both - forward and backward - new thoughts, new paths. I'm going to be taking on the sketchbook challenge to replace a recently found bad internet habit. Don't go there, you'll hate me for it if you do. Talk about mindless!

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Only pinned to the wall for consideration so far - there's a whole trove of the "bound" pieces all ironed and ready to march. About 4x3 feet, it may just be a unit of a larger piece I have in mind.

Speaking of having work in mind - there's a sketchbook waiting. The latest theme over at the sketchbook challenge has captured my attention.

One can always be assured that hard work, like ironing, will gather spectators only too happy to lounge and observe the proceeding.

happy drudgery

I was in and out of the studio all day yesterday and got a lotta-mucha-nuthin done except to nearly fall into  a coma due to sensory overload.

It looked like a fiber land mine had gone off in here so today is all about really seeing what I have here -sorting, ironing and folding. yuck.

My grandma Nell is whirling in her urn as I've cooked up a little sit-down ironing station because my joints are killing me - I suspect I may have Lyme's..there was a funny looking bite a month ago.

 She spent years as a Professional Laundress - (Dresses a Specialty) and taught me everything even though she never actually let me iron anything but the hankies and napkins. She said that ironing was work that you had to get your back into and so it had to be done standing. Nelly was a tall  and sturdy woman who's genes I am always grateful for and whose quiet dignity and strength always inspired me. She would be tsk-tsking through her false teeth over this weakness of mine but I'd really like to see the bottom of all these baskets sometime today.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Savory Friday

The filename for this image is "drunk on raw". Very appropriate for the way I feel as I start going through all of the raw material that has come from this past dyeing season. These are the gems that I hoard for myself although many of their cousins make it into the store. There will be more there soon too..I need to support my habits like other junkies, I mean artists. 

There is SO much more just waiting to be eyeballed and considered.  It's time to start putting all this cloth to work - seeing if and how they get along, arranging, rearranging, slashing, ironing.. marshaling all this energy to my own ends.

Although I am anxious to get something started - a hand stitched start - I'm not going to run wild just yet.
 I've just put the frosting on what I consider to be three good pieces that I've worked on since the beginning of this year. They weren't plotted out but popped up like the best kind of weed in the garden of all my other doings. Time to get some new seeds started here. There will be lots of show and tell going forward - no more off this secret garden crap!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

chaos...first light

'Scuse me while I take a few days to restore order to my studio, my house, my life. Thanks for putting up with my crabby myopia. Time to reflect, refresh and renew.  I'll be back.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

finished and done

I need a drink but I'll settle for a swim.

blog anniversary

Not mine...Terry Grant from Portland, Oregon has been entertaining and informing for SEVEN years over at "and Sew it Goes" . She's been on my link love list all these years for many good reasons.

 This made me stop, think and dig to find out that it's been almost NINE years of yattering into the wind for me. It started with sharing some good news!  and I didn't even post a picture back then - here it is.
I called it "Blue Oyster Soup with Crackers" ....ah, the days of cotton prints and beads.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

take two

This part of my morning went right....these are snips and pieces from what I thought was the last of my raw materials..the kind of odd scraps that wind up being the heart and soul of a completed work. Later in the day   our friend Tony came by with a bag of damask and huck napkins and small table cloths. I didn't even inspect them but just dumped them into the sauce to poach. Later I'll hang them to dry and take them with me to what's become an annual event..a dye day with Elizabeth Barton.

We get together to use up each other's spring born dyestock, take a look at what ever we have been up to, have lunch and generally enjoy the day. Another annual event is that I get lost driving home from her place..always an adventure on the backroads of Georgia in October.

On the "do-over" side of the slate, I have to reshoot all the entry photos I sweated over yesterday. Why did no one smack me in the head with a cod when I hung a white backdrop to shoot pieces that are 90% white themselves??? I went to bed wracking my brain over where I'd find something appropriately dark and neutral and awoke with the answer. We have a set of sheets that are dark grey..the top sheet almost never used. It's in the dryer right now getting it's wrinkles removed. Back  to the mines....